Grab the TWO tools you need to launch your journey to abundance.

Tools for transformation

I hear from so many Amigas who are seeking abundance in all things: wealth, relationships, time, energy.

But it’s hard to live an abundant life when your mind is stuck in a scarcity rut. 

That mindset doesn’t just affect how you think. It shows up every day in every detail of your life. Penny-pinching, hurrying, second-guessing yourself, feeling like you don’t have enough time to spend with the ones you love most. And in the end, it all adds up to exhaustion.

The journey to abundance starts by making the inner changes to shift your orientation to the world. And I’ve got the tools for you right here. 

Grab my guided meditation for an abundant life AND my abundance exercise – and start finding wealth in all ways and always.

Grab the tools now!

What’s inside:

A 10-minute guided meditation – so you can tune out the noise and hear the clear voice of your soul

My trusted step-by-step process for mapping out what’s holding you back – to help you ditch the barriers and become unstoppable

Next-step reflection questions – so you can carry the power of this exercise with you. (Into your bright, abundant future!)

Download the meditation and abundance exercise now!

And if that wasn’t enough… downloading these transformative tools also adds you to my Amiga list. Join the tribe of fearless Amigas, be the first to know about my in-person and virtual events, and get the insider-only insights I only share with my nearest and dearest. 

– Rosa Martin

“Jackie Tapia embodies support, connection, beauty, and guidance. Her workshops are fun and smart! I enjoyed the exercises that Jackie led us through. They made me really think and dig deep and helped me create a refreshing powerful vision for this brand new year. I can't wait to see what's next!"